Quick Start

This section is for all of those who "I've got no time, just want to run the stupid thing..."

There are 3 ways to use XEPHYR library:
  • Compiling the code as library and link to your own code.
  • load dynamically xephyr as root library, when using interactive root client.
  • Using xephyr in a jupyter notebook (only for brave hearts).

System Requirements

Before you even start, you need to make sure you've got the following:

  • g++ >= 4.8.1
  • gcc >= 4.8.1
  • cmake >= 3.9
  • ROOT >= 6.0.0 but reccomended is >= 6.10.04 to get all latest jupyter notebook features.
  • python >=3 (used by the package manager)

:::Warning::: don't use ROOT installed from Anaconda, high are the chances that wont work.

:::Warning2::: make sure that your root installation has minuit, you can check it simply by running the following command in a ROOT CLI:

$ root -l
> ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Minuit2","Migrad") == 0 ? "ERROR" : "You've got minuit!"

Initial Setup

First create a Master directory (in this case called "XEPHYR_PKG") where to store Xephyr and your code, then clone Xephyr form github.

export XEPHYR_DIR=$(pwd)/
echo "export XEPHYR_DIR=$(pwd)/" >> ~/.bashrc
git clone git@github.com:XENON1T/Xephyr.git .

You maybe noticed above the "export" of enviroment variable XEPHYR_DIR that points to the master dir XEPHYR_PKG, this tells Xephyr where its code is located, it is very important and so I reccomend to add it to your .bashrc (as the snipplet above is doing).

Compile Your Code With Xephyr

XEPHYR strongly encourage package structure, so that you can easily share your code and compile it (hopefully) out of the box. So, we strongly recommend you to create your own package, but since this is a "quick start for people in a hurry" we'll skip that for now, you can always do it later.

Xephyr provides a simple build command to compile any xephyr package automatically, without writing any makefile yourself. First step: the package you want to compile must lie inside the Master xephyr dir ($XEPHYR_DIR), which as a reminder is the dir that contains the Xephyr package. Then run the following from the master dir:

source Xephyr/pacman/build.sh

That's it! (if it worked) this should have created a new directory "build" where you can find all the executables of all your packages. This step scans the directory tree and produces a makefile, so it is only needed at the beginning and when you add a new file, for all other small changes you can do:

$ cd build
$ make

Usage with Scripts

Xephyr provides a simple loader that can be used within a ROOT CLI session (or inside a macro) to load the library dinamically. First, keep a structure (don't write your pig pig scripts inside the Xephyr code dir), create a new directory where to store your scripts (inside the Master dir "XEPHYR_PKG") and copy the xephyr loader in it. Consider later to make a package out of it.

mkdir myAmazingCode
cd myAmazingCode
cp ../Xephyr/loadXephyr.C .

Now you can load xephyr libraries for interactive use, meaning you can run your scripts that use Xephyr classes out of the box (without any include statement). To load the library for interactive use do:

$ root -l loadXephyr.C
// now I can use Xephyr classes in ROOT CLI :)
> pdfComponent p("pippo","pluto.root")

Or if for some reason you prefer to call it within a script, then add to your script the following:

        // This is the top of your ROOT script
        gROOT->ProcessLine(".x loadXephyr.C");

        // Here your code //
        // here I can use all Xephyr classes for example
        // pdfLikelihood * p(....)

Jupyter Notebooks

You brave hero! I pray for your soul... `FIXME: add at least a small comment here`_

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