virtual double | computeTheLogLikelihood ()=0 |
double | computeTheConstraint () |
| Likelihood (TString name) |
double | getSigmaHat () |
double | getLogD () |
bool | parameterExists (int p) |
void | addParameter (int id, int type, TString nam, double initialVal, double step, double mi, double ma) |
void | addParameter (LKParameter *param, int id=SAME) |
void | replaceParameter (LKParameter *param) |
void | addParameterTolerant (LKParameter *param) |
void | activateParameter (LKParameter *param, bool active=true) |
void | removeParameter (LKParameter *param, bool tolerant=false) |
void | removeParameter (int id, bool tolerant=false) |
void | listParameters () |
void | printInitialParameters () |
void | printResultParameters () |
void | printCurrentParameters () |
void | printCurrentParameters (bool with_err) |
void | ignoreParameter (int id) |
void | setParameterType (int id, int type) |
void | setParameterValue (int id, double v) |
void | setInitialValue (int id, double v) |
double | getParameterValue (int id) |
double | maximize (bool freezeParametersOfInterest) |
double | maximizeNumerically (int numberOfToys, bool freezeParametersOfInterest) |
void | setSeed (double Inputseed) |
int | getNTotalParameters () |
int | getNActiveParameters () |
int | getNParametersOfInterest () |
int | getNMinuitParameters () |
int | getNNuisanceParameters () |
int | getNParameters (int type) |
void | resetParameters () |
LKParameter * | getParameter (int id) |
LKParameter * | getPOI () |
map< int, LKParameter * > * | getParameters () |
| get Parameter Of Interest
TH1F | getPullsHisto () |
void | setCurrentValues (const double *v, const double *ers=NULL) |
void | setCurrentValuesInMinuitUnits (const double *v, const double *e=NULL) |
void | setCombinedMode (bool mode=true) |
void | printInitialHeader () |
void | printCurrentHeader () |
bool | checkConsistency () |
bool | inCombinedMode () |
int | mapMinuitParameters (bool freezeParametersOfInterest) |
int | getNParametersForChi2 () |
void | forceNParametersOfInterest (int nF) |
void | clearTheParameters () |
| XeStat (TString name) |
void | setName (TString nam="No_Name") |
| helper method to set the name of this instance.
TString | getName () |
| helper method to return the name of this instance.
void | setExperiment (int exp) |
| set the experiment number, usefull for combination
int | getExperiment () |
| set the experiment number, usefull for combination
Public Member Functions inherited from errorHandler |
| errorHandler (TString name) |
void | Error (TString functionName, TString message) |
| Send an Error message to the user. More...
void | Warning (TString functionName, TString message) |
| Send a Warning message to the user. More...
void | Info (TString functionName, TString message) |
| Send an Info message to the user. More...
void | Debug (TString functionName, TString message) |
| Send a Debug message to the user. More...
void | setPrintLevel (int level) |
| Set the local printing level (for this instance only) More...
int | getPrintLevel () |
| Return the current print level for this instance. remind that if you set with setPrintLevel this will override the global print level.
| printTools () |
| ---------— Print Toools -----------— ///
static double | shapeLikelihood (vector< int > *bins, int nDist, double **dists, double *norm) |
static void | setAnalysisMode (int mode) |
static int | getAnalysisMode () |
static bool | checkAnalysisMode (TString name, int requested) |
static bool | isAnalysisDefined (bool verbose=false) |
static bool | isCutsBased () |
static bool | isPL () |
static int | getSigmaLinLog (int unit) |
static TString | getAnalysisModeName () |
static TString | getAnalysisModeName (int mode) |
static TString | getSystematicModeName (int syst) |
static TString | getSigmaUnitName (int unit) |
static TString | getSigmaLabel (int unit) |
static TString | getSigmaModeName (int mode) |
static TString | getUpperSigmaLabel (int unit) |
static TString | upperCase (TString s) |
static TString | lowerCase (TString s) |
static TString | trim (TString s) |
static TString | justify (TString s, int w, bool left, bool trim) |
static TString | rightJustify (TString s, int w, bool trim=false) |
static TString | leftJustify (TString s, int w, bool trim=false) |
static TString | format0I (int v, int w=1) |
static TString | formatLI (int v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatRI (int v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatF (double v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatR (double v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatLF (double v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatRF (double v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatG (double v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatLG (double v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatRG (double v, int w=1, int p=1) |
static TString | formatI (int v, int w=1, int trailer=0) |
static TString | doOrDont (bool b) |
A likelihood object, consisting of parameters. This is a virtual class