Xephyr  0.0
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
ProfileLikelihood Class Referenceabstract

#include <XeStat.h>

Inheritance diagram for ProfileLikelihood:
Likelihood XeStat errorHandler printTools CombinedProfileLikelihood pdfLikelihood

Public Member Functions

 ProfileLikelihood (TString name)
void printFlagsAndParameters ()
void estimateCrossSection ()
bool initialize ()
TGraph * getGraphOfLogLikelihood (int n_points)
TGraph * getGraphAtQval (double qval, bool forceMuhatComp=true)
double getSigmaAtQval (double qval, bool forceMuhatComp=true)
double returnLimitHagar (double cl, bool forceMuhatComp=true)
vector< TGraph * > getGraphOfParameters (int n_points)
TGraph * getLikelihoodScanOfParameter (int n_points, LKParameter *par, double mu=0)
virtual double getWimpMass ()
virtual void setData (int dataType)=0
virtual void generateAsimov (double mu_prime)=0
virtual void printEventSummary (bool isForWiki=false)=0
virtual void generateToyDataset (double seed, double mu_prime)=0
virtual double getSignalDefaultNorm ()=0
virtual double getSignalMultiplier ()=0
virtual void setSignalMultiplier (double val)=0
virtual void setTreeIndex (int index)=0
virtual vector< string > getTrueParamsNames ()=0
virtual vector< double > getTrueParams ()=0
virtual double getSafeguardValue ()=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from Likelihood
virtual double computeTheLogLikelihood ()=0
double computeTheConstraint ()
 Likelihood (TString name)
double getSigmaHat ()
double getLogD ()
bool parameterExists (int p)
void addParameter (int id, int type, TString nam, double initialVal, double step, double mi, double ma)
void addParameter (LKParameter *param, int id=SAME)
void replaceParameter (LKParameter *param)
void addParameterTolerant (LKParameter *param)
void activateParameter (LKParameter *param, bool active=true)
void removeParameter (LKParameter *param, bool tolerant=false)
void removeParameter (int id, bool tolerant=false)
void listParameters ()
void printInitialParameters ()
void printResultParameters ()
void printCurrentParameters ()
void printCurrentParameters (bool with_err)
void ignoreParameter (int id)
void setParameterType (int id, int type)
void setParameterValue (int id, double v)
void setInitialValue (int id, double v)
double getParameterValue (int id)
double maximize (bool freezeParametersOfInterest)
double maximizeNumerically (int numberOfToys, bool freezeParametersOfInterest)
void setSeed (double Inputseed)
int getNTotalParameters ()
int getNActiveParameters ()
int getNParametersOfInterest ()
int getNMinuitParameters ()
int getNNuisanceParameters ()
int getNParameters (int type)
void resetParameters ()
LKParametergetParameter (int id)
LKParametergetPOI ()
map< int, LKParameter * > * getParameters ()
 get Parameter Of Interest
TH1F getPullsHisto ()
void setCurrentValues (const double *v, const double *ers=NULL)
void setCurrentValuesInMinuitUnits (const double *v, const double *e=NULL)
void setCombinedMode (bool mode=true)
void printInitialHeader ()
void printCurrentHeader ()
bool checkConsistency ()
bool inCombinedMode ()
int mapMinuitParameters (bool freezeParametersOfInterest)
int getNParametersForChi2 ()
void forceNParametersOfInterest (int nF)
void clearTheParameters ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from XeStat
 XeStat (TString name)
void setName (TString nam="No_Name")
 helper method to set the name of this instance.
TString getName ()
 helper method to return the name of this instance.
void setExperiment (int exp)
 set the experiment number, usefull for combination
int getExperiment ()
 set the experiment number, usefull for combination
- Public Member Functions inherited from errorHandler
 errorHandler (TString name)
void Error (TString functionName, TString message)
 Send an Error message to the user. More...
void Warning (TString functionName, TString message)
 Send a Warning message to the user. More...
void Info (TString functionName, TString message)
 Send an Info message to the user. More...
void Debug (TString functionName, TString message)
 Send a Debug message to the user. More...
void setPrintLevel (int level)
 Set the local printing level (for this instance only) More...
int getPrintLevel ()
 Return the current print level for this instance. remind that if you set with setPrintLevel this will override the global print level.
- Public Member Functions inherited from printTools
 printTools ()
 ---------— Print Toools -----------— ///

Protected Member Functions

void setup ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Likelihood
void setup ()
void clear ()
bool checkParameter (int p, bool shouldExist)

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from Likelihood
int currentId
int nParametersOfInterest
int nActiveParameters
int nNuisanceParameters
int forcedNParametersOfInterest
bool combinedMode
vector< LKParameter * > MinuitParameters
map< int, LKParameter * > parameters
double sigmaHat
double LogD
- Protected Attributes inherited from XeStat
TString name
int experiment

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Likelihood
static double shapeLikelihood (vector< int > *bins, int nDist, double **dists, double *norm)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from XeStat
static void setAnalysisMode (int mode)
static int getAnalysisMode ()
static bool checkAnalysisMode (TString name, int requested)
static bool isAnalysisDefined (bool verbose=false)
static bool isCutsBased ()
static bool isPL ()
static int getSigmaLinLog (int unit)
static TString getAnalysisModeName ()
static TString getAnalysisModeName (int mode)
static TString getSystematicModeName (int syst)
static TString getSigmaUnitName (int unit)
static TString getSigmaLabel (int unit)
static TString getSigmaModeName (int mode)
static TString getUpperSigmaLabel (int unit)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from printTools
static TString upperCase (TString s)
static TString lowerCase (TString s)
static TString trim (TString s)
static TString justify (TString s, int w, bool left, bool trim)
static TString rightJustify (TString s, int w, bool trim=false)
static TString leftJustify (TString s, int w, bool trim=false)
static TString format0I (int v, int w=1)
static TString formatLI (int v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatRI (int v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatF (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatR (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatLF (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatRF (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatG (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatLG (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatRG (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatI (int v, int w=1, int trailer=0)
static TString doOrDont (bool b)
- Public Attributes inherited from Likelihood
double seed
- Public Attributes inherited from errorHandler
int localPrintLevel
TString className
- Static Public Attributes inherited from errorHandler
static int globalPrintLevel = 1
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from XeStat
static int analysisMode = NO_ANALYSIS

Detailed Description

Profile likelihood calculator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ProfileLikelihood()

ProfileLikelihood::ProfileLikelihood ( TString  name)


namename of the object

Member Function Documentation

◆ estimateCrossSection()

void ProfileLikelihood::estimateCrossSection ( )

estime cross section and save corresponding likelihood

◆ getGraphOfLogLikelihood()

TGraph * ProfileLikelihood::getGraphOfLogLikelihood ( int  n_points)
a TGraph of the likelihood for n_points sigma equal steps between min and max
n_pointsis the number of scan points for which the likelihood is maximized

◆ getGraphOfParameters()

vector< TGraph * > ProfileLikelihood::getGraphOfParameters ( int  n_points)
a TGraph of parameter post fit values for different values of sigma
n_pointsis the number of sigma scan points
param_indexis the index value of the parameter

◆ printFlagsAndParameters()

void ProfileLikelihood::printFlagsAndParameters ( )

print All flags and parameters

◆ setup()

void ProfileLikelihood::setup ( )

Technical routine for constructors

Member Data Documentation

◆ sigPar

LKParameter* ProfileLikelihood::sigPar

Pointer to main parameter of interest

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: