Xephyr  0.0
Public Member Functions | List of all members
AsymptoticExclusion Class Reference

#include <AsymptoticExclusion.h>

Inheritance diagram for AsymptoticExclusion:
XeStat errorHandler printTools

Public Member Functions

 AsymptoticExclusion (ProfileLikelihood *pl, double confidenceLevel)
ProfileLikelihoodgetProfileLikelihood ()
TGraphAsymmErrors getExpectedMedian ()
TGraphAsymmErrors getExpected2Sigma ()
TGraph getObservedLimit ()
double getMass ()
void generateAndSetAsimov (double mu_prime)
void setRealData ()
void setToyDataset (double seed, double mu_prime)
double computeQTestStat (double mu, bool useStoredFit=false)
void computeSensitivity ()
double computeSensitivityHagar ()
double computeExpectedLimit (double sigma_0, double N, double CL)
double conditionalFit (double mu)
double unconditionalFit ()
double getMu_hat ()
double computeSigmaAsimov (double mu_prime)
void setNscanPoints (int nPoints)
void writeToFile (TString prefix="limit_")
TGraph getSigmaScan ()
TGraph getqTestScan ()
void computeLimits ()
double compute_pval_s_plus_b (double q_obs)
double compute_pval_b (double q_obs, double mu_val, double sigma_val)
void setScanMin (double mi)
void setScanMax (double ma)
void LikelihoodScan ()
void setQTilde (bool doSet)
void setAlternativeXAxisVal (double x)
void setAlternative2DHistoRange (int Nx, double xmin, double xmax, int Ny, double ymin, double ymax)
TGraph getqTestScanData ()
double getObsLimitCLS ()
double getObsLimitnoCLS ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from XeStat
 XeStat (TString name)
void setName (TString nam="No_Name")
 helper method to set the name of this instance.
TString getName ()
 helper method to return the name of this instance.
void setExperiment (int exp)
 set the experiment number, usefull for combination
int getExperiment ()
 set the experiment number, usefull for combination
- Public Member Functions inherited from errorHandler
 errorHandler (TString name)
void Error (TString functionName, TString message)
 Send an Error message to the user. More...
void Warning (TString functionName, TString message)
 Send a Warning message to the user. More...
void Info (TString functionName, TString message)
 Send an Info message to the user. More...
void Debug (TString functionName, TString message)
 Send a Debug message to the user. More...
void setPrintLevel (int level)
 Set the local printing level (for this instance only) More...
int getPrintLevel ()
 Return the current print level for this instance. remind that if you set with setPrintLevel this will override the global print level.
- Public Member Functions inherited from printTools
 printTools ()
 ---------— Print Toools -----------— ///

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from XeStat
static void setAnalysisMode (int mode)
static int getAnalysisMode ()
static bool checkAnalysisMode (TString name, int requested)
static bool isAnalysisDefined (bool verbose=false)
static bool isCutsBased ()
static bool isPL ()
static int getSigmaLinLog (int unit)
static TString getAnalysisModeName ()
static TString getAnalysisModeName (int mode)
static TString getSystematicModeName (int syst)
static TString getSigmaUnitName (int unit)
static TString getSigmaLabel (int unit)
static TString getSigmaModeName (int mode)
static TString getUpperSigmaLabel (int unit)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from printTools
static TString upperCase (TString s)
static TString lowerCase (TString s)
static TString trim (TString s)
static TString justify (TString s, int w, bool left, bool trim)
static TString rightJustify (TString s, int w, bool trim=false)
static TString leftJustify (TString s, int w, bool trim=false)
static TString format0I (int v, int w=1)
static TString formatLI (int v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatRI (int v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatF (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatR (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatLF (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatRF (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatG (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatLG (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatRG (double v, int w=1, int p=1)
static TString formatI (int v, int w=1, int trailer=0)
static TString doOrDont (bool b)
- Public Attributes inherited from errorHandler
int localPrintLevel
TString className
- Static Public Attributes inherited from errorHandler
static int globalPrintLevel = 1
- Protected Attributes inherited from XeStat
TString name
int experiment
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from XeStat
static int analysisMode = NO_ANALYSIS

Detailed Description

Computes limits with the asymptotic formulae, default is CLs. Output: root files with histograms for a single mass point, several files can be hadd togheter. This is to promote parallelization. The mass point has to be defined previously using the appropriated XeRun method

Member Function Documentation

◆ compute_pval_s_plus_b()

double AsymptoticExclusion::compute_pval_s_plus_b ( double  q_obs)

Compute pvalues

◆ computeExpectedLimit()

double AsymptoticExclusion::computeExpectedLimit ( double  sigma_0,
double  N,
double  CL 

Limit wrapper formula, this is based on the "asymptotic paper" formula 89, and includes CLs. returns the limit for the specified band (zero in case of median) in terms of the signal strenght.

sigma,isthe asimov sigma related to mu =0
N,sigmaband, can take positive and negative value

◆ computeLimits()

void AsymptoticExclusion::computeLimits ( )

Compute Observed limit with CLs and asymptotics

LOOP over values of mu within a defined range, the range and steps are defined in computeSetAsimovSigma()

◆ computeQTestStat()

double AsymptoticExclusion::computeQTestStat ( double  mu,
bool  useStoredFit = false 

Compute the value of the test statistic q_tilde for a given signal strenght mu.

useStoredFitimpose to use the conditional fit outcome already computed, usefull when computing limits with data.

◆ computeSensitivity()

void AsymptoticExclusion::computeSensitivity ( )

Compute the expected CLs limits with bands. It stores it in the graphs getExpectedMedian ecc..

◆ computeSensitivityHagar()

double AsymptoticExclusion::computeSensitivityHagar ( )

better way of producing sensitivity

◆ computeSigmaAsimov()

double AsymptoticExclusion::computeSigmaAsimov ( double  mu_prime)

Compute the variance of sigma_hut around sigma_true with Asimov dataset

mu_prime,trueassumed value of signal strenght

◆ conditionalFit()

double AsymptoticExclusion::conditionalFit ( double  mu)

returns the log(likelihood(mu,theta)) for the conditional fit with signal strenght mu

◆ generateAndSetAsimov()

void AsymptoticExclusion::generateAndSetAsimov ( double  mu_prime)

This will trigger the XeRun associated to produce an Asimov dataset with the specified signal strenght mu_prime. The generated asimov is set as current data for the profile likelihood.

◆ getMu_hat()

double AsymptoticExclusion::getMu_hat ( )

returns signal strenght best fit, if the fit has not been runned returns -9999

◆ LikelihoodScan()

void AsymptoticExclusion::LikelihoodScan ( )

LOOP over values of mu within

◆ setAlternativeXAxisVal()

void AsymptoticExclusion::setAlternativeXAxisVal ( double  x)

Will plot the limits Graphs as a function of another variable. A 2D Histo will be also filled with the limit reported for mass VS additionalAxis that can be plotted as a COLZ

◆ setNscanPoints()

void AsymptoticExclusion::setNscanPoints ( int  nPoints)

Set the number of scan points for the limit compyutation, default is 100.

◆ setRealData()

void AsymptoticExclusion::setRealData ( )

Set DM data as current data for the profile likelihood.

◆ setToyDataset()

void AsymptoticExclusion::setToyDataset ( double  seed,
double  mu_prime 

This will trigger the XeRun associated to produce an a toy dataset of bkg + signal with the specified signal strenght mu_prime. The generated dataset is set as current data for the profile likelihood.

◆ unconditionalFit()

double AsymptoticExclusion::unconditionalFit ( )

returns the -2log(likelihood(mu,theta)) for the unconditional fit and saves mu_hat best fit to an internal variable retrivable with "getMu_hat()", it aslo store the outcome of the fit into "logD" member.

◆ writeToFile()

void AsymptoticExclusion::writeToFile ( TString  prefix = "limit_")

Write to file the histograms

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: